Friday, November 25, 2011

Would you rather have a bird peck your eyes out or have a squirrel eat your testicles?

Squirrel.Would you rather have a bird peck your eyes out or have a squirrel eat your testicles?


Squirrel:How will I get laid ?Would you rather have a bird peck your eyes out or have a squirrel eat your testicles?
squirrel eat your testicles im a girl
Im a girl so id say squirrel. lol ;)
Squirrel, definetley!!!!

I love my eyes and I don't have any testicles. Can't miss something that I don't have!
Neither sounds too pleasant, but my testicles are far too valuable to be munched on by a squirrel

1 comment:

The Heavens Are Open said...

What game is the source of this question? (I played a game with this question before, and I want to get a "Would You Rather" game or something like it, but want to avoid whichever game has this question. Thanks for your help.)

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