Squirrels are diurnal. One of my favorite creatures to feed and observe. I love the crazy antics. Our cats go crazy because we have a covered outdoor cat house and run.The cats can watch as much as they want but do no harm.Are squirrel noctounal, diurnal or crepuscular?
I saw squirrels at nightfall and at daybreak-_- I think they ar crepuscular...................鈥?
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Think about it.
Nocturnal means during the night.
Diurnal means during the day.
Crepuscular means at twilight (just before dawn or just after sunset).
Now, when do you see squirrels? During the day, right?
So you can figure out the answer.
they are crazy and weird
Squirrels are diurnal. I live in the sticks and they are active all day.
I vote for diurnal also, because that's the correct answer
Eastern gray squirrels are diurnal, and as as someone else said, some flying squirrels are nocturnal. And there are lots of kinds of squirrels - gray, red, fox, flying, ground, etc. - living all over the world. So I guess the answer is - depends on what kind of squirrel you mean.
Southern flying squirrels are nocturnal.
They diurnal and crepuscular.
How would I know? There is a group of squirrels that live in the roof in the area right above my head right now. I usually like to pull all nighters and I can hear them scrambling up there.
Diurnal, though this is odd for mammals
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