- I have this 'pet' squirrel I'd like to enter into an Animal Talent show. Does anyone know intesting Squirrel tricks?Can you teach an Old Squirrel new tricks?
Yes, you can. My yard squirrels (American Grays) love Squirrel Fishing. They are very good at playing this game.Can you teach an Old Squirrel new tricks?
No, but you can pick it up and throw it at people you don't like.
Not when they get THAT old!!!
Just kiddin' SquirrelCage!!!!
No they'll bite u
Yeah I know some squirrels that just love peeing, tossing acorns, sticks and dried up squirrel dung on top of unsuspecting dogs heads. Don't really need to much training, it comes natural.
check out the video below. this squirrel plays dead. please disregard the rest of the video.
my second sorce is twiggie the water skiing squirrel, and some tricks squirrels can do.
by the way, squirrel are cool .
Could I teach him some new tricks?
More than likely!
Well the squirrel I know likes to drink at the pub and he is pretty good at it. Know he would win first place for you.
Love, honey
I don't know-but if you succeed let us know!
Should be some on a hamster web site.
What about an old dog
Rufffff ruffffff
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