Saturday, July 31, 2010

How can I stop squirrels digging up my newly sown plants?

Grate a cheap bar of soap and sprinkle it around the plants.

A friend told me about this, it really works!How can I stop squirrels digging up my newly sown plants?
get a shotgunHow can I stop squirrels digging up my newly sown plants?
Try spreading either chicken wire or netting over your plants. Keep it a few inches above the ground by attatching it to wooden pegs or sticks around the area. Make sure all the sides are held down with stones or they will find a way in.
Steal their spades(Shovels) perhaps?
plant throught wirenetting or if yiou are planting bulbs put the wire netting over then.
set-up squirrel traps!
Fix some garden netting around them (and on top) until the plants have got bigger.
hide all the spades!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you got a shot gun?
put a bird feeder up with plenty of nuts init well away from amy plants
You cant - they dont understand. Feed them an alternative instead. Peanuts is what they want.

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